How to Make Muslin Curtains? A Complete DIY Solution

by Shariful Alam | Oct 19, 2023

Are you curious about DIY muslin curtains? Wanna know how to make Muslin curtains? You may have wondered if you can make a fantastic muslin curtain on your own. Yes, you can make beautiful curtains with soft and lightweight muslin fabric.

Before diving into detail, we want to let you know that the process is easy and simple. You can complete the task within a short moment. 

In this article, we will give you a complete guide on making muslin curtains DIY. After finishing here, it will be a matter of time to make a fantastic muslin curtain by yourself. 

We, the Muslin Dhaka team, have 27 years of cumulative experience in relevant fields to explain to you the easiest method of muslin curtain making (DIY). 

You need a bunch of tools and knowledge. We will share the knowledge, and then you have to manage the accessories (we can help you with that, too). That’s it. You will feel really proud of your skills in making beautiful Muslin curtains hanging in the room. 

How to Make Muslin Curtains? An easy step-by-step guide 

Muslin is often used in bedsheets, curtainsduvet covers, and home decor. 

This is a neat, clear, breathable, and smooth texture fabric. There are two types of muslin fabric to make curtains. Bleached and unbleached. The color range varies from unbleached to beige-white. Choose what you want to use in curtains.   

What do you need? (Curtain Accessories)

  • Curtain fabric (Muslin)
  • Lining fabric 
  • Tape measure
  • Scissors 
  • Ruler 
  • Sewing machine 
  • Pins
  • Thread 
  • Iron 

Watch this video for more clarity: 


Once you have managed these tools, start the process step by step: 

Step 1 

Manage the muslin fabric and prewash it to avoid shrinking. If you have ever done a DIY, you know that measurement is important. You need two types of measurement to know the quantity of fabric you need. Length and width are the main factors you must calculate before starting the process. Whether it is a window, door, or any other partition, you have to proceed based on these two. 

Step 2 

Lay the muslin fabric on the floor or cutting table or wherever you get a good grip. Cut the fabric according to the length. Add 3 to 10 inches ( 7 to 25 cm ) to fold the curtain rod at the top. The size may vary depending on the size of the rod. The height could be 3 meters or 120 inches from the floor to the curtain rod. Cut the fabric after measuring it accurately. 

(If you need to extend the length later, cut an additional fabric.)

Step 3 

Fold the curtains 2 or 3 inches on the wrong side and press. Get it in the shape of a curtain. Fold the remaining size of the fabric. Pin them 5 inches apart. 

Step 4 

Thread your sewing machine with a color that matches the muslin fabric. Put the muslin in the machine and start sewing from the right side. It will keep the stitching line parallel to the fold. When the edge is stitched to the folded end, remove the pins. (Keep the sewing line straight.) 

Step 5 

Fold ½ inch of the hem and keep pressing. Then, fold the remaining size and form the hemline. Pin the hem to all layers of the fabric after every 5 inches. Press the top and bottom of the curtains. 

Step 6 

Try it on the rod and see how it’s looking. Also, check each and every corner for the right shape. You know, for curtains, shape is the most important thing. You can’t escape giving a perfect shape to your curtains. All right, it’s done. 

Now, you have wonderful muslin curtains. Install it in the partition where it is supposed to be and give us a small “thank-you”. 

In case if you don’t know how to install it, just follow the instruction below :

How to install the Muslin curtain panel?

Measure the area you want to cover with the curtains. Take measures of the rod and curtains panel. Attach it to your wall and check if it is lining straight. Install your muslin curtain in the panel successfully. Now, it’s time to celebrate.

Best Muslin Fabrics for Curtain

5 Best muslin fabrics for curtain

For making muslin curtain, you need to manage the best quality muslin fabric. Do you want to buy the best muslin fabrics for curtain ? We suggest five best muslin fabrics for curtains here.
Do not get confused as you have thousands of options available online. Even we don’t know how many of them are trustworthy.
So that, we recommend a few brands and products based on our knowledge & experience. Hope this will help you buy the best muslin fabrics for curtains easily.
5 best muslin fabrics for curtains are :
  1. CRAFTY CUTS 2-Yards Muslin Fabric 
  2. AK TRADING CO. Muslin Fabric 
  3. HOTGODEN Medium Weight 100% Cotton Muslin Fabric
  4. Mybecca 100% Cotton Muslin Fabric 
  5. WAFASSZD Muslin Fabric 

Wrap up : How to make Muslin curtains?

Muslin curtain is a perfect match for privacy and style. Making a muslin curtain is easy when you have the right guideline. Our 6 easy steps help you do the job absolutely right! You simply do the task while have all the accessories in your hand. Follow these steps and make a fantastic muslin curtain.

If you want to buy the muslin curtain instead of making, read our buying guide the best muslin curtains.

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Shariful Alam Pavel, A fashion lover, passionate marketer. Love to share wisdom based on real life experience to enrich knowledge.
Founder of Muslin Dhaka, a brand, speaks the truth about royal muslin and fashion. Explore the digital fashion universe with organic cotton muslin and much more!


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