Masterpiece Nakshi Kantha: The beauty & tradition can conquer the whole world

by Shariful Alam | Sep 5, 2024

Nakshi Kantha in simple words is a designer quilt.  But that’s the tip of the iceberg. Its aesthetic motifs and tradition go deeper than you may imagine. Europe had tapestry, oil paints, and marvelous architecture like the Sistine Chapel. But In Eastern Asia, especially Bengal, Nakshi Kantha was the primary medium of artistic expression. 

But it’s not like regular art. The Nakshi Kanthas were a necessity for daily life. The art was not meant to be displayed or stored. But still, women made them artistic from a deep desire for beauty. No art can be truer than this! It contains parts of culture, history, belief, nature, and deeper things that can not be described in words.

Nakshi Kantha is undoubtedly the most beautiful and culturally rich embroidery in the world. It originated from ancient Bengal. But the undeniable beauty and comfort won millions of hearts around the world. Nakshi Kantha is going through a globalization period. 

In recent decades, Nakshi Kantha has become a luxury product for its artistic values and painstaking production process. The style is adapted to make wall hangings, pillow covers, and various decoration purposes.

The story of Nakshi Kantha is extraordinary. As a luxury fabric expert company, Muslin Dhaka took pleasure in presenting it to the world. We went to rural Bangladesh, visited the Nakshi Kantha fair, went through historical books and resources. Even we created this art of our own just to share the most authentic information! 

This article will explain the core ideas of Nakshi Kantha, history, motif, types, and artistic explanations. We will also include all the practical stuff like features, brands, where to find one, how to make one, etc.

Buckle up, let’s explore the mysteries of Nakshi Kantha.

What is Nakshi Kantha?

What is Nakshi Kantha?

Nakshi Kantha is an embroidered quilt traditionally made with old cotton sarees and stitches. 2-5 layers of clothes are used to make the kantha or quilt. Stitches not only hold the fabrics together, it’s also create complex and beautiful designs. 

Nakshi Kantha originated in the southeastern part of Asia, especially in ancient Bengal. Today it is found in Bangladesh, West Bengal, Asham, Tripura, and some other parts of India. But the Nakshi Kantha from Jamalpur, Bangladesh is most famous for its beauty, art and quality.  Almost everything in this Kantha is done by women. Traditionally, men went for farming and different outside work. Women used to stitch Nakshi Kantha after completing their household work. Still, the scenarios are kind of similar.

Nakshi Kantha ho has a feminine style and aesthetics. The designs and art are reflections of her mind, experience, nature, and the tales she heard from her grandparents. A woman usually spends 3-6 months creating a Nakshi Kantha. So it’s not just her effort, she is also mentally and emotionally connected with the art piece. 

Nakshi Kantha has been made all over the years. But there is also a season for making this Kantha. The monsoon of Bengal is long and it rains almost every day. As they have much leisure time, women stitches Nakshi Kantha with the rhythm of the rain. 

In lazy afternoons, women gather with their Nakshi Kantha and gossip while their hands and needles run through the patterns. Nakshi Kantha is closely related to womanhood in this part of the world. As the famous Bengali poet says :

“Sajus spreads her Nakshi Kantha

And dreams through the night

It is like the estranged poet of her secret pain

A witness of innumerable memories of joy and sorrow   

The woven lines narrate the history of her life

What's special about Nakshi Kantha?

What’s special about Nakshi Kantha?

Nakshi Kantha is special in many ways. The features are obviously excellent. But an underlying story is embedded with it. The art of Nakshi Katha is an expression of ordinary rural women. She learned it from her mother and grandmother. She follows some of the patterns of her elders. Also contributes some of her own. 

The art of Nakshi Kantha carries the myths and tales as well as contemporary culture. Historically, many races of the world have ruled Bangla. That created a real variation of culture. So, you will find Nakshi Kantha with different motifs and ideologies. Hindu, Buddhist, and Sufi Islamic symbols can be found in Nakshi Kantha.

You may have heard of Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world. The symbol of the tiger is a common motif of Nakshi Kantha in the people who live near Sundarban. So, as you can see, the surroundings play an important role in this art. 

The fascinating story of Nakshi Kantha is no less than an epic. Every Nakshi Kantha comes with a different story and different emotions. Its worth goes beyond our logical understanding. It’s a piece of Magic, the expression of a way of life!

At a Glance



NameNakshi Kantha
Other namesKatha, Kheta, Designer quilts, Kantha, Nokshi Katha
WeightDepending on size, layers, clothes are used in the Kantha. Usually, low-weight kantha is used for moderate weather. Heavier ones are used in chilly seasons. 
AppearanceComes in different colors, designs, and aesthetics. The stitches usually contribute to a bit of texture to it.
FeelNakshi Kantha feels soft and textured. However, the feel depends on how densely the Nakshi Kantha is stitched. Compactly stitched Naskhi Kanthas are less soft but durable. Less dense stitches in Nakshi Kanthas are softer. However, the kantha gets softer with use.
MaterialsNakshi Kantha is traditionally made with old saree, lungi, and dhuti. On the surface, a relatively newer cloth is used. 

Nowadays, quilting fabrics used for commercial purposes mainly cotton fabric. But nowadays silk and other similar fabrics are also used for divesification.

WarmthThese are not usually for heavy winters. It is more of an all-season quilt that one can use. The quilt is warm enough to keep you comfortable. But not too warm that may require keeping one leg out to balance.
Uses The use of Nakshi Kantha is not limited to the quilts & bedding only. It is often used for wall hangings and decoration purposes. Some people even frame it and use it simply as art like a painting. Some brands also sell Nakshi Kantha for upholstery, lifestyle purposes. 
DurabilityA Nakshi Kantha can last a decade with proper care. 
ShrinkageNakshi Kantha is usually made from cotton fabric. So it may shrink a bit after the first few washings.


The History and Development

The history of Nakshi Kantha dates back to recorded history. It was so close to Bengali culture and daily life, that it was not celebrated like a special item. According to some historians, Nakshi Kantha was first invented somewhere around 1500 BC. One of the first mentions of naksi kantha was found in a 500-year-old book named Chaitanya Charitamrita

The art of Nakshi Kantha has developed over thousands of years. Historical events and cultural changes always impacted the art style of Nakshi Kantha. About a hundred years ago, Nakshi Kantha became very popular among art enthusiasts around the world. Literature played a great role in romanticizing Nakshi Kantha. The art form was adopted for different purposes.

Let’s explore the historical development of Nakshi Kantha in the following points.   

Old days

The eastern part of Asia has very temperate weather. With its six seasons, none of them were too harsh. Excluding a few months of winter, people required an all-sea

son utility quilt for comfort. Nakshi Kantha was developed to meet the need.

Cotton fabrics were invented about 3000 BC and around 2000 BC; they spread to most parts of the world. Different cotton fabrics were quite suitable for Nakshi Kantha. People in this part of the world adopted cotton with their lives. There were weavers ortatiwho used to make cotton fabrics and trade them with other peoples of the village. In ancient times, people used to wear clothes without stitches such as shari, dhuti, etc. When those clothes become old, they are especially suitable for making Nakshi Kantha.  

Mixture of religious impressionism

Hinduism is the most ancient religion in Eastern Asia. It contains countless gods and elements related to the religion. It comes with thousands of tales and myths. Naturally, those elements had a great effect on the Nakshi Kantha art. Religious symbols, secret animals, flowers, tree of life, etc. These are some of the common motifs in Nakshi Kantha.

Buddhism later reached eastern India and influenced the beliefs and culture massively. Buddha trees, dharma wheels, lotus flowers, and temples are Buddhist motifs of Nakshi Kantha.

Later in history, Islamic and Sufi ideas became most prominent in significant parts of Bengal. Calligraphy, Mosques and minars, stars moons, and other elements became very common in Nakshi Kantha. 

Although, religion had its effects on the art. But the most influential effect was nature & life experience. The rivers, fishes, animals, flowers, and other elements of nature were always dominant in Nakshi Kantha art. 

History and Development of Nakshi Kantha

Mixed culture and ideas

Bengal was one of the most fertile lands. So it was ruled by rulers from different parts of the world. The culture of the rulers influenced people, architecture, and the arts. Mughal, Khilgi, and British are a few to mention. Naturally, Nakshi Kantha was also influenced by them. 

Finally, Nakshi Kantha is mostly the art of village women. They are the most deprived part of the society. Without formal education or financial background, they are creating masterpieces with inherited wisdom. Women tell life stories and express themselves through the art of stitches!

Recent works on Nakshi Kantha for woman empowerment

Nakshi Kantha received the love and respect it deserves. It spread to different parts of the world and got great appreciation from art lovers. But it’s tragic that most of the village people are poor. Especially women don’t have enough economic, and social freedom. (stated above)

This Kantha has become one of the ways to empower women. Different NGOs and organizations are working with the women helping a better life by producing Nakshi Kantha. BRAC is one of the most prominent organization.

We are proud to mention that Muslin Dhaka has also taken the initiative to work with rural women. We will launch Nakshi Kantha artistic products soon. Help the women get the value they deserve for their art and effort.

Nakshi Kantha Art & Motif

Nakshi Kantha Art & Motif

After reading the history and significance, you may want to learn more about the art. Nakshi Kantha usually comes with a primary motif. There can be thousands of different motifs but most Nakshi Kanthas fall under about 15 or 20 motifs. Let’s discuss motifs.

  • Lotus Motif

The lotus motif is probably the most common and significant motif of Nakshi Kantha. It comes from Hindu myths and stories. According to their belief, the lotus flower is a sign of cosmic harmony and womanhood. It also has a connection to river fishes and abundance. Almost all the Nakshi Kantha has a focal point at the center. The flower stays at the center and different patterns, shapes, and elements are developed around it.

  • Wheel Motif 

Wheel motif usually comes with Buddhist idealism. The wheel is the sign of order and good fortune. Different geometric shapes and patterns go well with the wheel motif.

  • Sun motif

The sun is another common motif of Nakshi Kantha. It symbolizes the sun is the ultimate provider. It is related to fire and drought. The sun also has a special place in many Hindu mythical stories.

  • Moon motif

The moon motif can come from both a religious and a natural perspective. The moon motif is a significant symbol of Islamic ideas. Most times those are used to make jaynamaz Nakshi Kantha.

  • Islamic motif

Nakshi Kantha was commonly used as a prayer rug or Jaynamaz. Calligraphy, minars, and different Islamic icons are used in those Nakshi Kantha.

  • Tree of life     

The tree of life is one of the most beautiful and meaningful motifs of Nakshi Kantha. It originated from Buddhist culture and ideas. It contains the essence of spirituality, growth, fertility, and eternality. 

  • Kalka motif

The Kalka motif is also known as a paisley motif. It originated from the Moghol empires. A similar motif was found in an old cashmere shawl in Kashmir. Still today, it’s one of the major art styles not in just Nakshi Kantha, but also in traditional art and designs.

Nakshi Kantha Abstract Motif

  • Abstract motif

The recent modern art revolution even touched the Nakshi Kantha designs. Although they are not traditional, abstract Nakshi Kantha is getting enormous appreciation among art enthusiasts. 

  • Other motifs

There are many other motifs you can explore. Here are some of the names- Water Motif, Boat Motif, Fish Motif, Mountain Motif, Ratha Motif, Foot Motif, Mosque Motif, Panja Motif, Agricultural Implements, Animal Motifs, God Motif, etc.


How to Make Nakshi Katha? 

Making a Nakshi Kantha is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. If you have 2-3 hours of spare time for several months, it should be enough to create a really beautiful Nakshi Kantha. It will be a great test of your patience, but the art and soulful pleasure of creation will help you on the way. 

Here are some tips to make your own Nakshi :

Things you need:

Clothes: Old or new cotton fabrics. It’s also possible to use poplin fabric. Buying new fabric in the yard would be the most convenient way.

Color pencils: Get a white or black color pencil to draw a pattern over the fabric.

Hoop: Hoop is essential equipment to make complex and perfect embroidery designs in a Nakshi Kantha.

Thread: Get colorful threads according to your design.

Needles: Get at least 5 needles, it’s very likely to lose one or two while working.

Thimble: Timble is a finger cover to protect your thumb from the needles. You can make it your own with an extra piece of fabric.

Other essentials: Depending on how you plan to make your Nakshi Kantha, you may need scissors, carbon papers, some design ideas, markers, etc.

Steps of making a Nakshi Kantha

Making a Nakshi Kantha is a long process. You may need a longer tutorial to make it. But for the sake of knowing the process, here are the basic steps in short

To know details, please read our blog How to make Nakshi Kantha?

  • Choosing fabric 
  • Primary stitching
  • Design part
  • Stitches and design finishing

( Note : In Bangladesh, Women learn it generation by generation. We inherit it in our heart & soul. I learnt from my mother, she learnt it from her mom & so on.)

Uses of Nakshi Kantha

Types and Uses of Nakshi Kantha

Nakshi Kantha can be categorized on the motif, which we discussed earlier. In the different regions, Nakshi Kantha can be called by different names and made with slightly different techniques.

Rajshahi has Lahori kantha which comes with wavy patterns. Lahori kantha can be further divided depending on the pattern– soja, kupi, and barfiSujni Kantha is another popular Nakshi Kantha from Rajshahi. It comes with vines, leaves, and floral patterns. Another popular type of kantha is Anarashi from Jessore. Nakshi Kantha can also be named after the stitches such as running stitch Nakshi Kantha and cross stitch Nakshi Kantha.

It required an ebook to discuss all the types of Nakshi Kantha. A better approach to categorizing Nakshi Kantha depends on its uses. Here we need to note that, when we mention Nakshi Kantha it does not only mean the designer quilts. The art style is also known as the Nakshi Kantha art style.  

Let’s discuss Uses of Nakshi Kantha 👍


The wordKanthameans quilts. Nakshi Kantha is primarily used for quilting. We can’t think of a rainy day without a quilt!

Child’s bedding 

This kantha is also used for making childs bedding. It’s comfortable and nontoxic for babies. Also, it adds the convenience of changing when required. 

Nakshi Katha Saree

Nakshi Katha saree is not like the quilts. It is just a regular saree with Nakshi Kantha art. The saree can be stitched or printed. Nakshi Kantha art can be done on silk, jamdani, and other cotton sarees including Luxury Muslin

Silk Nakshi Kantha sarees are the most popular & pricey among native women. It’s also gaining popularity in different parts of the world. 

Nakshi Kantha Wall Hanging

The Nakshi Kantha art is often made with wall hangings. People enjoy this piece of art for wall hangings. The Nakshi Katha wall hangings sells high prices at different fairs and festivals.

Bed cover

Traditionally Nakshi katha is used as bed covers. The art style is also adapted to printed bed sheets. 

Pillow cover

Nakshi Kantha-style pillow covers became quite popular in Bangladesh and India. It is also exported to other countries.

Bed sheet 

These quilts are usually not used as bed sheets. Although it is possible to make a Nakshi bed sheet. Usually, the designs are stiched on the bed sheet. I have a one as a tradition!

Nakshi Katha Woman dress

Nakshi Katha Boutique

Nakshi Kantha’s art is one of the most influential fashion style in Bangladesh. It’s embedded in our sense of aesthetics. Many boutique houses make dresses and jewelry that follow the art style. Nakshi Kantha dresses are widely celebrated. 

Nakshi Katha perse

Nakshi Kantha is also used to make small bags to carry money and women’s stuff. It suits really well with saree or traditional styles.

Nakshi Katha scarf

This Kantha’s art style is also adapted to beautiful scarves. Floral and designer Nakshi scarfs have a famine appeal.


Nakshi stitched handkerchiefs are also known as rumal. Traditionally, a woman makesnaksi rumalfor someone she loves. It’s one of the purest acts of loving. This Nakshi handkerchief is also commercially available as an art & handicraft.

Cloth wrapper

Some women make special Nakshi Katha to wrap up something that is valuable to them. That can be religious books or jewelry from ancestors. 

Prayer mats

Prayer mats with Islamic symbols are often made with Nakshi Kantha. It often comes with calligraphy, masque, Mekka, etc.

Bangladeshi Nakshi Kantha

Nakshi Kantha is made in Bangladesh, West Bengal, Asham, and some nearby places. But Nakshi Kantha from Bangladesh has no comparison in terms of beauty and complexity. Bangladesh also produces a lot more Nakshi Kanthas than other areas. Bangladeshi art and fashion institutions also played a great role in adapting the art style. The heritage, boutique & fashion industry of bangladesh make it unique from rest of the world. Undoubtedly, Bangladeshi nakshi Katha is the best.

Bangladeshi Nakshi Kantha is the most luxurious as well, but it did not receive proper exposure to the rest of the world. There is a huge scope selling Nakshi Kantha in other parts of the world. It will give us a chance to enjoy and appreciate the art. Benefits the women who make it with their love and soul.


Jamalpur Nakshi Katha 

The good news is Nakshi Kantha from Jamalpur, Bangladesh has received the GI status. Jamalpuri Nakshi Kantha is so unique and beautiful, it is easily one of the best designer quilts in the world. 

The GI status can be a real big benefit for the future of Nakshi Kantha. In the future, it’s very likely that luxury brands will be interested in this designer quilt designed by our women! 

Nakshi Kantha Price

Art is priceless, and so is Nakshi Kantha. How much do you think a Nakshi Kantha should be? Months of work, all the patience, emotions, and beauty– a Nakshi Kantha artist devotes a part of her life to it. In that context, Nakshi Kantha are cheap. 

A standard Nakshi Kantha price starts from 200$. But the price can get quite high depending on the complexity and beauty. The price can be $ 2,000 or more. 

There are only a few luxury brands working with Nakshi Kantha, especially in the international market. So you will get a hard time finding the original Nakshi Kantha. But don’t worry, we will help you with that. 

Best Nakshi Katha brand

There are a few brands that sell Nakshi Kantha within Bangladesh. Some Indian brands started selling it in the international market. But most of those are commercial products made in India. We dont criticize but that lacks the touch of original artists from rural villages.

Here are some brands that sell original Nakshi Katha.

Aarong: Aarong is one of the popular fashion brands in Bangladesh. They launched Nakshi Kantha and different Nakshi products like cushion covers. If you are looking for luxury Nakshi Kantha, Aarong can be your best option.

Karu Jog: Karu Jog is a Bangladeshi handicraft company that collects their products from marginalized women. They sell their Nakshi Kantha at a reasonable price.

Allora: Allora is another Nakshi Kantha brand that has affordable to expensive naksi kanthas. Their Nakshi Kanthas come with complex and beautiful Nakshi art.

Nakshi Hut: If you are looking for an original Jamalpur Naksi Kantha Nakshi Hut can be a suitable option. Nakshi Hut is a project of the Jamalpur district authority to promote Nakshi Kantha and Nakshi art. They have Nakshi bags, Koti, Panjabi, saree bed sheets, and many other products.

There are so many other local brands like Sotodol, Dipta kutir, Gharjhuri etc.

Note: If you are outside of Bangladesh, you may not get those products easily. You can still contact the brands to ship your product.

Muslin Dhaka Nakshi Katha

Muslin Dhaka is a brand that researches, educates, produce and market luxury fabrics & fashion. We make treasures like royal Dhaka Muslin, Nakshi Kantha, Vicuna, Baby cashmere, and many more luxury fashion. We do not just sell the products but also help you feel their artistic value. Share our wisdom what it takes to make those masterpieces.

The Nakshi Kantha project is one of our favorites! We visited rural villages, tribal fairs, and museums. We talked with women who make Nakshi Kantha and felt deeply connected with its artistic value. 

Along with our own Nakshi Kantha design, We present the most beautiful Nakshi Kantha to the world. It not only helps the art lover appreciate the aesthetics of Nakshi Kantha but also empowers marginalized women

Muslin Dhaka team  believes the artist should get value for her art & labor. Our goal is to ensure the value both our Nakshi Artist & our clients. We sell art, not just a piece of fabric!

Browse Luxury Nakshi Kantha from Muslin Dhaka shop.


Where did Nakshi Kantha originate?

Nakshi Kantha originated in the ancient Bengal region mainly Bangladesh, a part of West Bengal, and Asham. Jessore, Rajshahi, Jamalpur, and Kustia districts from Bangladesh are famous for this designer quilt.

What is the meaning of Nakshi?

Nakshi meaning in Bengali is design. But the term usually indicates the particular stitch art that is used in Nakshi Kantha.

Is Nakhsi Kantha a type of embroidered quilt? 

Yes. Nakshi Kantha is one type of embroidered quilt. But it is fully hand made with personalised design & pattern. 

Can Kantha Quilts be washed?

Yes. Nakshi Kantha can be washed like regular fabrics. Use cold water and mild detergent to keep your kantha shining! It does not need much care.

What things are needed for Nakshi Katha?

The things needed you will not find in any book i.e heritage. Skill inherit from generation by generation with Patience. Then quilting materials like cotton fabric, thread, design inspiration, colored pencils, hoops, needles, etc. 


The Nakhsi Kantha article is long, but for us, the journey was even longer! After so much research, expertise of making own nakshi, experience and writing the ending words is really touching. 

Nakshi Katha carries the essence of history, mythology, nature, emotions, and a subtle sadness of the women who make it. Let’s appreciate the quilt of myth and magic!

Please check out to buy the best Nakshi Kantha from Muslin Dhaka!

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Shariful Alam Pavel, A fashion lover, passionate marketer. Love to share wisdom based on real life experience to enrich knowledge.
Founder of Muslin Dhaka, a brand, speaks the truth about royal muslin and fashion. Explore the digital fashion universe with organic cotton muslin and much more!


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