How to Clean Reusable Wax Strips? A Complete Guide

by Shariful Alam | Jan 23, 2024

You must be aware that fabric or muslin wax strips are reusable. But how to clean reusable wax strips?

Cleaning reusable or fabric wax strips isn’t a hard nut to crack. But it’s also not like cleaning any usual handkerchief. There are some specific steps to clean used wax strips. Today, we will tell you the method in detail. 

How to Clean Muslin Epilating Strips?

Below, we’ve shown you how you can clean muslin or other fabric strips after waxing.

You can also check this video above for clear view. 

  • Step 1: First of all, take a large bowl and fill it with mild hot water. Then, add handwash, detergent, or shampoo to make a soap mixture. 
  • Step 2: Now soak the used strips inside the soap water and rinse it properly. Leave the strips inside the solution for not more than 15 minutes. 
  • Step 3: After 15 minutes, remove the strips and rub properly to remove the wax and hair. 
  • Step 4: If you can’t remove the stubborn wax with your hands, use a butter knife to pull off the wax layers. 
  • Step 5: even after using a butter knife, when you see there’s still wax left, take another bowl. Make a warm soap solution with hard detergent. Now, leave those strips in the new solution for about 10 minutes. 
  • Step 6: Next, rub again and use a butter knife if needed. When almost every residue is removed, put the straps under sink water and wash away the remaining wax or stickiness. 
  • Step 7: Finally, let those strips dry under sunlight for a while. When dry, put them inside a good place to use later. 

And, you’re done! You can make some DIY wax strips and clean them following the method above. It will save you some extra cash to purchase essentials for grooming. 

how to clean reusable wax strips?

Special Notes

  • Don’t use any fabric or reusable strips for more than 6 times. After every washing, the thin and lightweight fabric strips start to wear off.
  • It’s better to use a set of strips only for a specific type of wax formula. Waxing with the same strips but using different formulas isn’t a good idea. Residues of different formulas can infuse with each other and harm your skin. 
  • Read the skincare guide carefully to get an effective result from your routine waxing. 


Is it safe to reuse wax strips?

Reusing fabric wax strips for 5-6 times is safe. You can easily wash fabric strips. So, using them a few times won’t hurt your skin. 

What happens if you leave a wax strip on too long?

If you leave a wax strip on your skin too long, it might get stuck badly. Ultimately, you’ll get hurt while removing the strip. 

Why should you not double-dip wax?

Double dipping makes the wax formula impure. It increases the risk of bacteria and other micro-being’s contamination. 

Summary: How to Clean Reusable Wax Strips?

Cleaning wax strips is easy, right? It also saves you some money. 

Knowing the right way to clean reusable wax strips can come in handy when you see you don’t have any new strips left. At that moment, you can clean recently used strips to store for the future. 

Want to get rid of the hassle of cleaning wax strips? Buy the best muslin strips for waxing

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Shariful Alam Pavel, A fashion lover, passionate marketer. Love to share wisdom based on real life experience to enrich knowledge.
Founder of Muslin Dhaka, a brand, speaks the truth about royal muslin and fashion. Explore the digital fashion universe with organic cotton muslin and much more!


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